Minutes of December 10,2024 City Council Meeting
- Call to Order: 7:05 p.m. by Mayor Judye Patterson
- Roll Call:
Present – Judye Patterson, Kristy Bouchey, Patricia (Trish) Jones, Annette Dukes, George (Bub) Mueller
Absent – Martha Brown
- Welcome Visitors and Open Forum: NONE
- Discuss / Action on Previous Minutes: Bub motioned to accept minutes as presented,Trish seconded; motion passed
- Discuss / Action on Finances:
- Financial Reports – Kristy made a motion to approve the November reports as presented, Annette seconded;motion passed
- Monthly Bills – Trish made a motion to approve all expenditures needed for normal business until the next meeting, Annette seconded; motion passed
- Review / Discuss VFD Monthly Call Report-No Calls
- Old Business:
- Discussion of billboard on FM 2198 has been tabled until a later date when more information is available.
- New Business:
- Discussion of missing ornament-possibly making a Facebook post
- Other topics for future meetings: NONE
- Trish motioned to adjourn the meeting at 7:16 pm, Annette seconded; motion passed