Minutes of June 11, 2024


  • Call to Order:  7:05 p.m. by Mayor Judye Patterson
  • Roll Call:  

Present – Judye Patterson, Martha Brown, George (Bub) Mueller, Annette Dukes, Patricia (Trish) Jones

Absent – Kristy Bouchey

  • Welcome Visitors and Open Forum:  none present
  • Discuss / Action on Previous Minutes:  Martha motioned to accept the minutes as presented, Bub seconded; motion passed
  • Discuss / Action on Finances:
  1. Financial Reports – Bub made a motion to approve both the April and May 2024 reports as presented, Trish seconded; motion passed
  2. Monthly Bills – Trish made a motion to approve all expenditures needed for normal business until the next meeting, Annette seconded; motion approved
  • VFD Monthly Call report – None


  • Old Business:
  1. Discussion on progress of Repairs to Mound Pond Rd:  Steve Benefield and his girlfriend Kelly spread rock into the potholes on the City portion of Mound Pond Rd. (without discussion with or approval from the City or City Council.) Afterward, the couple requested donations from the community for the project.  It was noted that money had been allocated by the City for the repair and that Mr. Benefield would be reimbursed with the presentation of an invoice to the City.  Further discussion was held regarding the need for a longer term solution, including adding hot asphalt to the rocks.
  2. The Oath of Office was administered to Bub Mueller by Marie Rankin.


  • New Business:
  1. Bub motioned to allocate up to $1,400.00 for the 4th of July parade, Annette seconded; motion passed
  2. Trish made a motion to allocate $6,000 for the 4th of July event, Bub seconded; motion passed


  • Other topics for future meetings:  Invest a portion of the general funds, 
  • Trish motioned to adjourn the meeting at 7:52, Martha seconded; motion passed